Distant Curve is a Remote Area Telecommunications Provider, helping you improve the efficiency of your operations. More...
Optical Fiber is a reliable and cost effective method to provision high speed connectivity within a remote area industrial setting.
Distant Curve can provide design and installation as well as splicing, termination and emergency repair services.
Whether you're a mature brownfields operator in need of rationalisation, or a project in the design phase - we're able to help.
Distant Curve's team of experienced professionals can help you streamline and rationalise your operations.
Distant Curve can provide a solution that neatly integrates with your existing or planned network infrastructure.
As a licenced telecommunication carrier, we use the latest technology to ensure the security of your vital business information.
Mobile connectivity is a hot issue on remote jobsites. If you're not covered by a major carrier such as Telstra or Optus, give us a call.
We have the capacity to design and construct a 'private' mobile phone (GSM) network to suit your remote area needs - worldwide.
Distant Curve combines our unique control systems with Solar / Wind and traditional generators to produce highly redundant power systems for remote areas.
Like a quote? Click below to learn more and get in touch.
Need to outfit your remote area office with Cat 5 or Cat 6 Cabling? In a hurry?
Not a problem - as a registered telco, we have the licensed staff and experience to get you up and running with no fuss and full certification upon completion.
Data connectivity is a modern neccesity - efficient business workflow and 'keeping in touch' are paramount to maintaining a productive workforce.
Distant Curve can address this need at a fraction of the cost of Satellite services - a 100% return on investment within 5 months is typical.
Need data in a hurry? In a remote area? Our Satellite deployment options may be the answer.
Distant Curve is able to provide extremely cost effective Ku and C band Satellite deployments, with performance that scales with your business.
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As a Business we at Distant Curve are committed to providing a level of service so customer oriented that we will be the preferred provider within our industry.
As Engineers we've seen that astounding things happen when people are given new insights and opportunities - we aim to leave a positive legacy of enhanced knowledge, skills and confidence at each and every jobsite upon which we work.
As People we at Distant Curve achieve satisfaction by helping folks achieve great things - we achieve that target through an unrelenting focus on honest communication and hard work.
Distant Curve can be easily contacted via phone, or the email link below.
+61 404 087 477