
About Our Blog...


Below you'll find a list of some of our blog entries - the list might seem varied, and many times has nothing at all to do with remote area communications - that's by design. We just like to blog about a random array of little discoveries that we've found useful in every day life, and think other folks might find useful too - Enjoy!

How to Install Elastic Asterisk on Windows as a VMWare Virtual Machine

Ok, following on from my last post, here's what you'll need to do to install Elastix on your Machine as a VmWare VM.


What you'll need:-


  1. A copy of VMware Player (I'm using 5.0.2 for this tutorial - at the time of writing it can be downloaded here) - you want 'VMWare Player for Windows' or 'VMWare Player for Linux'.
  2. The latest build of Elastix Asterisk (I'm using version 2.4.0 for this tutorial) - at the time of writing you can download elastix here.
  3. A little patience :)


Step 1 - Install VMWare Player (if you need assistance doing that, I've found a fairly good video guide to installing VMWare player here).

Step 2 - Create a New VM - either press Ctrl-N or select 'player-> File -> New Virtual Machine'

Step 3 - (Important) - select 'I will Install the Operating System Later'

Step 4 - Select guest operating system - Elastix is based upon Linux, so select 'Linux' and then either the default or 'Centos' (if you downloaded the 32 bit version of Elastix) or Centos 64-Bit (if you downloaded the 64 bit), although it shouldn't really matter what version of linux you select.

Step 5 - Make a name for your virtual machine - I'd suggest 'Elastix VM' and select where you want to save it - VM's are transportable between one machine and another so I usually save my VM's in a dedicated 'VM' folder I create in 'My Documents'

Step 6 - Specify a Disk Capacity - I'd suggest leave it at the default (20GB), although you can go as low as 5GB if you need - and then choose 'Split the Virtual Machine into Multiple Files'

Step 7 - select your newly created virtual machine, and click 'edit machine settings'

Step 8 - Change the network adapter to 'Bridged'.

Step 9 - Select CD/DVD (IDE) and select 'Use ISO Image File' - then browse to the Elastix ISO that you downloaded earlier.

Step 10 - Click OK, Select the name of your VM and Click 'Play Virtual Machine'.

Step 11 - When you get to the 'Elastix' Splash Page, left click in the window and hit enter.

Step 12 - You Mostly Need to Select the Defaults - eg:-

  • Language - English
  • Keyboard - US
  • Would you like to erase the drive - Yes (this only erases the currently empty VM, not your PC hard drive)
  • Partitioning Type - use free space and create default layout
  • Review and Modify Partitioning Layout - NO
  • Would you like to configure the eth0 interface - YES



Setting up an Elastix (Asterisk) Test Network - For Beginners

I know that when I first setup an Asterisk PBX, I found the process quite difficult - whilst there's plenty of information available on the internet, most of it is aimed at an advanced level, making it very difficult for beginners or folks with a limited budget and no VOIP hardware to 'get started' - so I thought I'd write this short tutorial - for ease of use, the tutorial will use a GUI version of Asterisk, called 'Elastix'.

The 'Aim' of this tutorial is to take you from a complete asterisk novice to having a fully functional Asterisk / Elastix Test PABX -allowing you to make internal calls within your network in around 20 minutes.


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Lenovo T520 will not boot - No Bios, 1-3-3-1 Code

This morning when I tried to start my Lenovo T520 Laptop, I got a blank screen, and a soft beeping sound coming from inside the laptop. The sound was like morse code - 1 long beep, 3 short beeps, another 3 short beeps and a final long beep (code 1-3-3-1)

After doing a

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Google April Fools 2013 - International Space Station - Control Room

International Space Station - You Have 41 Visitors!


Well folks, Google Strikes again - I checked my Google Analytics account this morning to find that I had 41 Visitors, all from the International Space Station - Control Room... See below.. I guess it must be April Fools.. Interestingly, although folks have discovered the 'google nose' joke, they don't seem to have discovered this little 'easter egg' just yet -


Google April Fools 2013


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As a Business we at Distant Curve are committed to providing a level of service so customer oriented that we will be the preferred provider within our industry.

As Engineers we've seen that astounding things happen when people are given new insights and opportunities - we aim to leave a positive legacy of enhanced knowledge, skills and confidence at each and every jobsite upon which we work.

As People we at Distant Curve achieve satisfaction by helping folks achieve great things - we achieve that target through an unrelenting focus on honest communication and hard work.

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